Our Services

The Sauls Consulting’s approach is driven by a compelling vision and led by leaders that are attached to the dream that God has given to them.

Capital Stewardship Campaign

Leading your congregation into the next chapter, whether it is church enrichment, a new facility or renovation, a new ministry launch, a mission initiative, or debt remediation, can be a daunting and difficult journey.

Sauls Consulting is committed to partnering with churches and turning a vision or dream into reality by pursuing maximum spiritual and financial impact in a biblical journey that will deepen the commitment of the church.

Sauls Consulting is committed to the campaign values of spiritual connectivity, authentic Bible study, raising leaders, communicating strategically, a personalized donor strategy approach, high impact strategic consulting, and a helping cultivate a spiritual journey to help your members discover and embrace their God-given talents.

Our Capital Campaign will cover three phases:

  1. Cultivating a commitment that is a process.

  2. Receiving a commitment that is an event.

  3. Completing a commitment that is an achievement that flows through follow-up.

Stewardship development must happen at three levels: inspiration, exhortation, and practicality. Completing the commitment is in thorough and strategic follow-up. SCS has developed a follow-up process that ensures maximizing the dollars that have been committed.

Allow the Sauls Consulting team to provide you with resources you need to launch your campaign along with page-after-page of priceless information on your own worship experience and true financial health. 

The building blocks of this type of endeavor are:

  1. A Vision that is clear, crisp, compelling, and worth sacrificing for.

  2. A Leadership that is publicly and privately supportive.

  3. A Congregation that is linked by the process of a spiritual journey.

  4. A Plan that is strategic and personalized leading to maximum impact

Sauls Consulting’s mission is a partnership in the areas of leadership and stewardship. Our desire is to weave stewardship and sacrifice into the life of the congregation so that they feel honored to wholeheartedly support what God is doing in their church.

Revitalization Strategy Sessions

Church revitalization has been ongoing theme for the last several years, and for good reason. Here are some recent statistics for the US church:

24,000 churches have closed their doors in the last 2 years

37% of pastors have left or are leaving ministry

94% of churches would consider themselves stuck

• The average church in the US is 65 people

For the first time in US history, church attendance has dropped below 50% of the population

The need is larger than it’s ever been and believe the need for revitalization is essential in the US, and a driving vision will be an essential key to health, growth and Kingdom impact.

Most associate revitalization to churches that are near dying, when in essence, the need for what we call “reset” is cyclical and relevant to every stage a church experience.

SCS will come alongside you as we assess the areas that need vitalization, write a plan to restructure those areas, and help with the implementation and application of said plan.

“If you plan to lead in 2023 the way you led in 2019 you are already behind”

- Glenn Sauls

Worship Workshops & Development

Have you ever wondered “How do I get our worship team to become what I see and hear in my mind?” We can help your team become what you know they can be. Great worship doesn’t happen by accident, and it isn’t simply because you have a great vocalist, musician or band. It takes teamwork!

Having amazing an amazing worship experience is more than just good music. It’s having a team of creatives who are passionate about bringing people into the presence of God…we help teams gain the knowledge and skills they need to become what they are called to be.

Here’s how we can help:

  1. Weekend Evaluations with follow up sessions (same day or multi day).

  2. Coaching for worship leaders, music directors, and musicians and sound engineers.

  3. Retreats designed to empower your leaders and team to take the next step in excellence creativity so that everyone who experiences worship in your church becomes raving fans of your weekends…and more importantly

Let us work with your team to bring clarity, excellence and ‘know-how’ in worship!

ChurcH Growth App

Email Marketing Software for Churches

Build Personal Relationships through Technology

Cold Calling Old Visitors is hard…….

It's hard to follow up with every new visitor who comes to your church.

As a result, many can’t provide personal attention to each new visitor.

This may lead to some visitors not returning.

Sauls Consulting Church Growth App automatically emails visitors with a series of relationship-building emails. 

The software has all the emails pre-written, pre-designed, and is sent automatically to each new and previous visitor. Your team no longer has to send the emails manually. It will also send visitors PDFs such as “Free Prayer Guide” and emails inviting them to services and special events. 

We Want Your Members to Come Back

We care about your church growing, and the Kingdom of God advancing. 

That’s why we created the Church Growth App.

  • Follow up with new visitors automatically to stay in contact

  • Bring old members back

  • Pre-Written Emails

All this for a fraction of the cost of your traditional church database system.

Financial Discovery System

What if you could clearly gauge the spiritual condition of your congregation from data … and not just guessing? You can. With the Sauls Consulting Financial Discovery System, you will see how donor groups are performing from year to year, even individual donors. This unique tool will identify new and lost donors. This secure and thorough analysis tool will revolutionize your understanding and literally unearth a gold mine of information sitting right beneath your nose! See how well you’re retaining people in your church. Quantify and identify your new givers. See who has fallen off in their giving.

It’s not just another set of financial reports. Sauls Consulting will help you turn the information into results with proven strategies. You will be able to close the backdoor of your congregation, among many other things, by identifying donors before they have left the church.

Engage with Sauls Consulting Services today and discover a literal wealth of information in your own church. Allow the Sauls Consulting team to provide you with page-after-page of priceless information on your own worship experience and true financial health.

Mystery Guest Experience

The Elite Secret Shopper Experience Designed For Your Church

The senior pastor often knows the least about the guest experience at their own church…. What do your guests experience as they check your website for info, or as they are driving onto the property, walk in the front doors, or check their kids into the nursery?

What if you could get a powerful, in-depth review of the experience of your church – all the way from finding the church online through the follow-up process after visiting? Now you can.

It is crucial it to have up-to-date information on what all your members and guests experience each weekend. Invest in your own future with the Sauls Consulting Mystery Guest Experience.

Combine the Mystery Guest Experience with the Financial Discovery System and get a truly “ behind the scenes” perspective and evaluation of your weekend guest experience and finances.